Love my new glasses; love seeing him happy even more!! |
So, I've written several posts in my head since the last time I popped in here, and nothing really I'm just gonna stick with this one no matter what. Hmm...
I also love Emily's blog and this sounded like a fun thing to join in on... so here we go!
What did I learn in March?? Good question. Here are a few things that come to mind...
1. I love throwing parties! Planning and executing Paul's 40th surprise party was tons of fun. Thankfully, Paul had as much fun as I did :) And I must add, we had lots of help from friends & family in making his birthday book, and keeping things secret! Can I also say how much I love SURPRISE parties?? Just have to give a shout out to my sisters for the best surprise party ever - my 20th birthday... now that's a story. But I'll just keep it short by saying that I've never been so embarrassed and yet simultaneously loved. I guess that's a good summation of a sister's role. :)
2. I stink at waiting and giving up control. Not much more to say on that topic, because I'm sure many of you can relate! Though I'm getting better at embracing the messy waiting seasons, I still don't love them, and my heart could be very easily compared to a two-year old's some days. Just sayin'.
3. Online community is still community - check out this post! I used to feel guilty about 'indulging' in online groups and friendships, but I really enjoyed the online {in}courage Bloom book club for Jessica Turner's new book The Fringe Hours as well as being a part of the the Launch Team for Jeff Goins' new book, The Art of Work (hope to get reviews out for both of those soon...) However, it's still not the same as good ol' fashioned girls' nights, our community group, having time for long walks with Paul, chillaxin' with friends at worship team practice, leading women's studies, and being silly with my workout buddy (i.e. really. miss. our. Florida. friends. and. life!)
4. I love hearing my husband preach, like, really, really love it. And while I'm on this topic, let me just say, I really love HIM! It will be four years of marriage in a couple days, and I can't tell you what a privilege it is to watch my man give every ounce of his energy to take care of us, pursue his calling, care for his grieving father, reach out to his family, and love people that don't deserve it (including me)...While we aren't seeing many of our goals come to fruition right now, I must say I would rather have a faithful man, than a life that looks perfect on the outside but is falling apart behind closed doors. Listening to a man preach, and watching him live it at home, just really blesses my socks off. Love ya, babe!!

5. Kids are fun. (Okay, I knew this, but it's still true :) So blessed to get to care for ten kids between two families - and being friends with the moms is a bonus too! A good reminder to myself that even when life is hard, God still shows up to surprise us with good things (I guess he likes surprise parties too!)
6. Lovin' these songs... I Will Rest (City Harbor) and Sovereign Over Us (Michael W. Smith)
Okay, your turn! Click over to Emily's post, and either leave a comment about what you learned, or link up a post from your own blog.
Hoping that spring is here to stay?? I miss the sun.
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